Monday 29 January 2018


Roman J. Esrael,Esq.:Denzel and Dan could make better movies,except for an Oscar Nomination!!

Denzel Wahington got yet another Oscar Nomination for Roman J. Esrael, Esq.That's it!!There is nothing to describe more about the movie which was expected to be a better one.Considering the life of Roman J. Esrael,a man with a not so common name the movie seems OK.But there are many flaws at the same time.Like,the prime factor which was talking about in the movie the whole time.The call for revolution against the various discriminations ,especially the one based on color.The characterization of Roman was far from what he was preaching all the way,particularly in shooting case he handled.

  Alright,it might be about a man who makes mistakes and realize them later.If that is the situation,then this movie have nothing more to show-off.It will be an average 'cliche'd movie. Denzel seemed to be very uncomfortable with his new look for the movie.A man who remained all his life in the office to do the paper work even though he was a lawyer.His partner was the public face of the legal firm.But when he had a heart attack,Roman had to start looking for a new job and he came to meet George Pierce(Collin Ferrel),a successful lawyer.Though there were contradictions in what each of 'em believes, George wanted Roman to work for him due to his unique abilities.But Roman,being a man who narrates his title Esquire as one above the 'Gentleman" and one below the "Knighthood" was not appropriate for the modern legal firms.

  Finalizando:The movie appeared to be an average one ,mainly due to the vague story line,which had never expected from the director of Nightcrawler,Dan Gilroy and Denzel Washington.Actually,it's not a bad attempt.But the expectations at the Oscars might make it a mediocre one.'Coz,the ones who worked for the movie could make better flicks!!

Roman J.Esrael,Esq


iMHV Ratings:✪✪✫

Director: Dan Gilroy
Writer: Dan Gilroy
Stars: Denzel Washington, Colin Farrell, Carmen Ejogo


    Shoot'em Up: Story of Guns,Goons,Carrot and a Baby!!

  Mr.Smith(Clive Owen) knows to shoot a gun in every f****ng way!!He shots fire even with his fingers.He is even a doctor who could  deliver a baby during gun fights and even cuts the umbilical cord with a gun.He even  triggers a shot while sliding through the oil marks he made by shooting the fuel tank of a car.Mr.Smith is someone who is everyone.'Shoot 'em Up' is a movie about guns.A movie centered around Mr.Smith as someone saying his name as Smith,Mr.Smith.There is neither a second name nor a last name.It all started with Mr.Smith seeing someone trying to kill a pregnant woman.Then there is nothing,except gun fights,gun fights with baby on his hand,gun fight during sex.Count it!!!You won't see anything other than it in Shoot 'em Up.

   The movie is like a Toon or a Video Game and it's all about Mr.Smith.He had a counter-part too in Hertz who could even calculate the complete situation.Yes,Shoot 'em Up is like this.One can narrate a story of the movie,which is not that much impressive.But it's all about the scenes.A higher version of some Sacha Baron flicks with a masked serious presentation.Actually,the movie is like a comics.Anything can happen with exaggeration.Someone can claim it to be a spoof of all the movies ever made.But,a cinematic exact version of comics is what describes the movie better.There are some scenes like jumping off an aircraft and releasing the parachute later,that too during a fight.Some guy with sense might go for the logic in the movie.But he sure is wrong,if he claim to find a logic.But Shoot 'em Up is a perfect entertainer or something more than that.Monica Bellucci as Dona did a 'meat'eous role.Just Belluccian Things!!

Finalizando;Shoot 'Em Up is multifarious movie which can't be just classified in a particular genre.It's a higher version of all the Tarantino movies stuffed together.In my opinion,it's not a must watch.'Coz,if one's logic starts working it could be rated as the worst movie ever.But this movie is something,may be GOD as it can't be expressed by mere alphabets!!

Shoot 'em Up


iMHV Ratings:✫✫✫

Director: Michael Davis
Writer: Michael Davis
Stars: Clive Owen, Monica Bellucci, Paul Giamatti


'Tumhari Sulu' :Story of Sulu who fought to reach her dreams!!

  Indian culture is weird,especially with it's traditional concepts on women.Restrictions are imposed for them in a society which is having male domination in every field.It's a disheartening attitude followed by majority of the families over the ages.Though there are instances of contradicting observances,they are too little to go on with the majority.'Tumhari Sulu' is the story of  a woman Sulochana(Vidya Balan) who dreams about a life for her.Though she never falls in the category of a blind-folded feminist who hates everything.

    Sulochana on the other hand,loves to be on the median between the 2 attitudes of the society.She wanted to support her family along with realizing her dreams.She thinks of herself as a champion.Even though,she didn't have a traditional degree,she was not ready to be the so-called-house wife.She always digs deep to find her opportunities.One day,the wonder happened and she became an RJ.Not a mediocre one,but RJ popular with her night show 'Tumhari Sulu'.Now the villain came in the form of family.The restrictions which she was trying to put behind her started attacking her at a later stage.A simple story line,but with a serious note on how most of the traditional Indian families functions with the so called ties of relationships.Manav Kaul as Ashok(husband of Sulu),Neha Dupia as Maria and Vijay Maurya as Pankaj did their roles well.

Finalizando:Watch the movie for the beautiful Vidya Balan as Sulochana.She really scored up in her role as Sulu.The movie was fun at times and without much complexities,it ends on light note,as expected.

Tumhari Sulu


iMHV Ratings:✪✪✪


 Copycat:Dr.Helen's confrontation with what she had observed!!

   Dr.Helen Hudson had to encounter a near to death situation after a lecture on criminal psychology.She was an expert in describing the psychological conditions of criminals,especially the serial killers.But her traumas caught herself in a closed apartment without any visitors.But someone was waiting for her.An active serial killer who was keen to satisfy his egos by having a face to face confrontation.

   A series of  murders took place in San Francisco and every time the killer made a mysterious mark on his victims.He was trying to draw his attention from someone.Later,his intentions became clear.An excellent performance from Sigourney Weaver as the agoraphobic psychiatrist made the movie to check the emotional life of not only the killer,but also his counter-part.The investigation lead by   Monahan(Holly hunter) had their own situations too.'Copycat' is a perfect cat and mouse serial killer movie alike The Silence of The Lambs,Se7en etc.The only drawback which one can find between those epic movies might be Peter Foley(William McNamra).Even though he fared well in his role,it can be considered normal comparing to other villains in similar flicks.

Finalizando:'Copycat' can be considered as an under rated serial killer movie.It is an intriguing and intelligent thriller with a strong screenplay.Highly recommendable for fans of the genre!


iMHV Ratings:✪✪✪✫

Director: Jon Amiel
Writers: Ann Biderman, David Madsen
Stars: Sigourney Weaver, Holly Hunter, Dermot Mulroney


  Simran;The story of Sandeep Kaur with a note"Tick Tick,I have a bomb"

   Sandeep Kaur,an NRI nurse got her media attention when she was revealed as the 'Bombshell Bandit' by the US Police.'Simran',the Kangana starred movie is a fictional representation of the Story of Sandeep Kaur.The name is changed to Praful patel for the sake of the movie along with her profession altered to a house keeping staff in a Hotel.The circumstances sometimes makes someone a criminal.But how can one become a criminal due to their foolishness?And that too adapting never heard simple way of bank robbery in life?

  Praful Patel,daughter of traditional Gujarati parents had an ambition to own her house in US.Praful,who was divorced tried to make money for it along with a bank mortgage.But her fate had other ways.Her trip to Los Vegas shattered all her plans.She won at first at the Casino,then lost her money,then tried to get them back.Along with this,she owed money from lenders,This led her to rob banks.Here,instead of heavily planned heists with hi-fi weapons and plans,she just used a piece of paper,lipstick and some mediocre make up.

  The story looked promising all over.But on the screen,it was not.The director and the crew  failed miserably to bring life to the movie.While,Kangana tried her best to enact the role of Sandeep Kaur to Praful Patel.But she was not even supported by her co-stars who seemed to be acting in an Indian soap opera.With all the confusions caused by Kangana with her personal remarks,it appears that Kangana won't be able to share screen with familiar names for the time being I think.Or else,with a better screenplay and actors Simran had everything to be a 'Queen'.

Finalizando:Except the story and Kangana,what entertained me was her dialogue at the end where he thought about the usual Indian girl.Oh man!!That is something everyone needs to face an caught up in an act if living outside India.Simran is a movie which failed to make a mark with it's flawed execution.



iMHV Ratings:✪✪

Director: Hansal Mehta
Writers: Apurva Asrani
Stars: Kangana Ranaut, Sohum Shah, Esha Tewari


Kurangu Bommai:The story on how the bag with monkey face became important in the life of some people!!

 It all started when Sundaram(Bharathiraja),an old-aged loyal man of Ekambaram,a local Don carried something of value form Thanjavur to Chennai.'Kurangu Bommai' is a non-linear representation of all the incidents that happened before his travel to Chennai and after. Kathir(Vidharth),Sundaram's son who is a taxi driver got mixed up in events that follow unknowingly.He was joined by an ambitious local thief who was exploring easy ways to become rich.The movie then follows bloodshed and later became a revenge thriller.

   Most of the people try to survive their life by toiling hard each day.While,there are some who awaits their one shot of their life.But Karma becomes a bitch a times and waits for them.'Kurangu Bommai' takes a turn at one point of time and towards the end it became a perfect revenge thriller.The legendary director Bharathiraja was a perfect for the role of Sundaram.,One would remember his sharp narrations during most of his movies.But here,he enacted Sundaram according to requirements of the role.One would feel sympathy on his character,especially when he narrated his story on how he joined Ekambaram.Vidarth is a specialist in these type of roles.Especially his role Kathir was quite similar to that of 'Kuttrame Dhandanai'.The movie was unpredictable at times and later with the non-linear narration,lots of mysterious flavors were added and when the dots were connected it took a fast paced turn to end as revenge thriller.

Finalizando:'Kurangu Bommai' is a flawlessly designed revenge thriller which will hook up the viewers to their seats for the thrilling experience!!

Kurangu Bommai

iMHV Rating;✪✪✪✪

Director: Nithilan
Writers: Madonne Ashwin , Nithilan
Stars: Bharathiraja,Kathir, Delna Davis


   The murders happening in the city which had similar gestures, perplexed the Police authorities.Inspector Kumaran (Sundeep Kishan) who himself witnessed one of the 'near-live-murder' had trauma after that ,which got mixed with an accident occurred in his young age.The people who were murdered , Dr.Pramodh;a Scientist,his gym trainer,an actress,her makeup man and the rest to follow were  part of some mysterious web whom the Police needs to sort out to solve the case.

  'Maayavan',a variety murder mystery movie following the way of super-natural,sci-fi movie is an experimental attempt in Tamil cinema.Especially,considering it an Indian regional language movie,there were many chances for it to commit to the compromises.Instead,the emphasis is given to the story structure,which made it a good watch.The first half mainly concentrated on the character formation of Inspector Kumaran,his life and fears without giving any clue on what was happening around.Later,when the mystery was revealed,the story became fast-paced with thrilling sequences.The super-natural,sci-fi elements which formed the major part of the movie had chances to flaw in a big way.But the debutant C V Kumar,with his team was able to make-believe those scenes in a perfect way. Especially,the way in which the 2037 scene at the start which connected the dots towards the climax was worth to watch.The cameo from Jackie Shroff really made the climax a lot powerful than it would have been.

Finalizando: If you love to read odd detective stories and eager to watch one on screen,here you have one to watch!!


iMHV Rating:✪✪✪

Director: C.V. Kumar
Stars: Sundeep Kishan, Lavanya Tripathi, Daniel Balaji

Monday 15 January 2018


Aramm (Tamil,2017)



  Aramm ,directed by Gopi Nainar with Nayanthara is about a rescue mission by a Collector to save a kid who accidentally fell and trapped in a bore-well.The movie started off with Nayanthara as   Madhivadhani IAS being interrogated by her superior officer.Right from there,statements were made on the socio-political scenario in India.The politicians who never show any consideration for those who voted for them was seen all over the movie.Her conflicts between those who rule made her to take decision on her career,while the Superior Officer had to take some stern actions on how she worked during the emergency situation,under political influences.

  When Dhanishka,the daughter of Yugendran and Sumathi lived in a Village,where water valued more than anything.The scarcity of water made the Villagers to raise protest against the government.During one hot day,Dhanishka got trapped into a bore-well.The movie focuses on the a developing India,where achievements in Science and Technology makes everyone proud in one side while,there are no necessary devices to do rescue services in such cases.When surplus amount of money is spend on Rocket launching and all,no care is given to these issues.Though the statement looks negative with political considerations from the film maker,attempts were there to explain the situations as a talk-show in  a news channel.The movie then focus on the risky rescue attempts under the supervision of the Collector.They failed at times,never had the villagers believe them.But Madhivadhani was confident abou saving the life Dhanishka. Dramatic incidents lead to the actions towards the climax.

 Finalizando:Aramm describes the 2 faces of social conditions in India and from the climax,one could doubt that a sequel is on the cards.Aramm is a good attempt to show off the inequalities in a society which promises equality for all.Moreover,the movie rather than the initial parts narrated the horror without much compromises that were seen in a normal Tamil movie.After his allegations on a story theft of the Kaththi movieGopi Nainar made a brave attempt to make one in a big canvas.Go for it!!

Sunday 14 January 2018


Anatomie 2(German,2003)



Director: Stefan Ruzowitzky
Writer: Stefan Ruzowitzky
Stars: Ariane Schnug, August Diehl, Herbert Knaup

  Stefan Ruzowitzky came back for another installment of German flick 'Anatomie'.The movie narrated the same theme of the predecessor.Ethical and ethical practices as described by the normal doctors and the elite ones.The story takes place in an elite Berlin Hospital with the references of the Anti -Hippocratic Society from the first part.Paula Henning from the first part did a cameo as an investigating officer in Anatomie 2.

   The second part concentrates on the theme "Without Sacrifices,Nothing can be Achieved".Here,the elite team of doctors are ready to do experiments on their body on their quest to attain a Supreme breed of humans under Prof. Muller-LaRousse.The movie starts of with an awkward,mysterious death during a party ,like the first movie.Ho Haussier,a doctor moved to Berlin for achieving heights in medical field and along with that to help his near-paralyzed brother.

  Joe,during his hectic shifts ,with a good doctor at heart did something great ,far away from his limits and it caught the attention of Prof. Muller-LaRousse.He was invited to the elite group and for Jo,it was an escape from his tiring day shifts.His life was fully changed.Even he became a part of the lodge.Later,he found out the mysteries of the elite group which put his life in danger.

  Finalizando:The second part followed the same foot steps of the first and since,the activities of the secret society had already been revealed,there was nothing new to offer in this part.But that never made the second part a disaster.With less mysteries,though a reloaded version is ready to catch the eye of the viewers.The one's who like the first part can take a serious watch on the second part too.





Director: Stefan Ruzowitzky
Writers: Peter Engelmann , Stefan Ruzowitzky
Stars: Franka Potente, Benno Fürmann

   Ever imagined to be on an operation table seeing oneself undergoing a process of dissection of organs.The movie 'Anatomie' started with such a gore scene in which a man tries to save himself from the horror.The first impression with the name and the scene might be of a 'slasher' flick for the viewer.But the movie is far away from it.

 It discusses a much more serious subject,that of ethical and unethical medical practices.When Paula Henning (Franka Potente) got her admission for her higher medical studies in University of Heidelberg,she had high hopes for future as a medical expert.She came from a family of doctors for three generation,being her Grand Dad was a previous Dean in the prestigious institution,while her dad opted to live a normal life of a doctor in a small town due to some 'un'known reasons.

  When she started her classes in Heidelberg,she soon found that it was for the best and Paula,being one was able to stand her nerves in the big league.An illustrious research for the study of Anatomy had setup in Heidelberg and had real-life like structures for the deep study of Anatomy.Meanwhile,she came to know about a guy David,whom she met her on the way to Heidelberg was killed in a suspicious way,though it was a normal death due to his medical conditions according to postmortem records.She felt something fishy.She felt the presence of an illegal society of doctors who had their on definition for ethical practices.

  Ending Note:The movie is not a one that should be categorized into  a third rated one.This one ,for me is a Crime/Thriller with some gore scenes.





Director: Arun Prabhu Purushothaman
Writer: Arun Prabhu Purushothaman
Stars: Aditi Balan, Lakshmi Gopalaswamy, Shwetha Shekar

Awe-inspiring reviews from a majority of the viewers made me to watch the movie with high hopes.But,initially the movie was a bit confused.At times,felt it like a coming of age movie of a girl from a village who had to shift to a bigger city due to her dad's job.The scenes leading to interrogation was too mysterious to begin with.There were some incomplete statements in between.Most of those statements were flashbacks.I thought that I missed something and had to rewind the video.Then,a question came.What is so special about this movie which made it a sensation last year?

  These were my impressions of the movie 'Aruvi' at start.But when the 'Green Room' was transformed to 'Interval' in the movie,I was absolutely stunned by what I just saw on the screen.An amazing work by Arun prabhu Purushothaman,which made viewers confused,mysterious and thrilled at times until interval was about a cause which needed attention from the society all the time.A theme,which was always narrated as a near to documentary type ,brimful with over sentiments got unveiled in a contemporary way.

 Aruvi(Aditi Balan) ,born and lived as a normal girl who was loved by her parents and brother got into trouble at a certain period of her life.It wasn't her fault,but there was none to believe her.Then she left her family and started a way of living in her on way and terms,later to be  caught up into some situations.Then she reacted to all the misfortunes and hatred she had to bear in her life in a unique way
.Sorry,the story can't be too elaborated than this.'Coz,'Aruvi' is a movie which demands actual movie experience.If one is unaware of the story,this is an absolute piece of breathtaking experience.this movie will tickle your sense of thrill,mystery ,downcast and even make you laugh at times.

Last Word: Aditi Balan enacted her role so brilliantly that one wouldn't surprise if she gets some Elite Awards for the role.The movie really deserves more appreciation form the nation,as it concerns everyone.Buckle up to watch one of the best movies of our time,if you haven't watched it yet.


He Walked By Night(English,1948)



Directors: Alfred L. Werker (as Alfred Werker), Anthony Mann
Writers: Crane Wilbur (story), Crane Wilbur (screenplay)
Stars: Richard Basehart, Scott Brady, Roy Roberts

     He did crimes.He killed people who came in between his deeds.Absolutely no records available on that man.Just a name 'Roy Morgan' won't do good to solve a crime at that period.He was brilliant,never had left any trace of him.He killed cops,injured them.He wasn't a bandit.He wasn't fighting for any of his rights.He was a criminal,a cold-blooded criminal and the world knows him just by a name 'Roy Morgan'.The movie was loosely based on the real life crimes of  Erwin "Machine-Gun" Walker who was a radio technician in the Police department.

  A man who was questioned by a cop by a cop during his night patrol got shot leading to his death.Then numerous crimes,mostly in the form of burglaries took place.Police set up a special investigation team to catch him.Though,he was near to being caught,Roy had various means to survive himself from the cops.The cant and mouse game went on creating causalities at times.

   'He Walked By Night' is a Neo-Noir movie narrated in a semi-documentary style.A movie which absolutely concentrates on the crimes and the investigation based on it.This movie tries every way to be out of the traditional way of story telling by it's semi-docu style making.One could feel like watching an investigation report or a documentary with the real life characters speaking to the audience.

 There were 2 scenes which  pictured in absolute silence,except for the foot-steps and gun shots.One was during a live shooting between Roy and Cops.Another towards the climax.Those were really classic.A man who had no records on his existence,even none knew about him.Even his photograph made from available sources wasn't enough.Some one might consider him as a person lived him the 16th century.

Last Word:An under rated piece of crime movie.Absolutely,go for it.It is far better than most of the modern-day crime flicks.The movie appeared too real to be a live action breaking news in Television. 

Wednesday 10 January 2018


The Cider House Rules(English,1999)


✪✪✪✪½ /5

Director: Lasse Hallström
Writers: John Irving (novel), John Irving (screenplay)
Stars: Tobey Maguire, Charlize Theron, Michael Caine,Paul Rudd

From an unusual setup for modern day orphanages to a man born out to live in the world outside,Homer Wells (Toby Maguire) with his calm ,feel good smile decided to study the world outside learnt many things in his life.The medicine study he had with Dr.Wibur Larch which made  him an expertise in giving the delivery procedures for those who wanted and never wanted their young ones.Without traditional education standards he had a heart to keep the things in control.

  Later in his life,he met a couple and that opened him to the world outside.He decided to explore the world and to live outside the orphanage.Lt.Wally (Paul Rudd) and his girl friend Candy(Charlize Theron) provided him everything to survive.He had started working in an apple farm and got to work with his African colleagues.There he studied certain laws of survival,relationships and its complex nature and importance of needs to get what others wanted to do.

  Life is so short and simple and one have to wear different attires to fulfill the dream of life.The Cider House Rules is a gem of movie which narrates the life of Homer Greek from his puberty to maturity.When John Irving's novel found its place on the silver screen,it achieved 2 Academy Award Winnings and 5 more nominations in the 72nd edition.

Last Note: This movie might make you unsure of some relationships.Yet,when one realizes that they were all part of Homer's education,you will love it to the core!!


Lady Bird(English,2017)


✪✪✪✪½ /5

Director: Greta Gerwig
Writer: Greta Gerwig
Stars: Saoirse Ronan, Laurie Metcalf, Tracy Letts

She wants everyone to call her ,Lady Bird,.She is in her teens and by the time,even though she appears mediocre in her skills,this young lady developed a sense of self-"confused"-esteem. Saoirse Ronan plays the character of  Christine a.k.a 'Lady Bird' in this coming-of-age movie.

 She had complex relations with every one.May be she is confused.Her mother,Laurie (Marion Metcalf) is more concerned on her.While brought up in a traditional ,small town of Sacramento,Christine had her ambitions to go for her higher studies in New York,while Laurie was totally against her wishes.Though this can be depicted as as a plot summary,the movies relies much on her life experiences related to others around her in the form of sub plots.

  Christine's idea of relationships were a matter of her concern during her first 2 outings.She was not smart enough to calculate the depths when in need.At times,she totally misjudged everyone around her.Her ambitious nature and quest for new friends even made her lie at times.She couldn't find the real Christine in her,while searching for the Lady Bird within.

  The performances from the lead characters and even the sub-characters were promising.A strong contender for the best performances of the year,Lady bird already is a special movie which raised the bars of coming of age movie genre.The movie is so realistic that at the end,one might start loving his/her teen-age.

Last Note:The movie was praised with a standing ovation in TIFF,when it first got its attention from critics.Now Golden Globe honor for Best movie(Music/Comedy) and Best actress award for Saoirse Ronan.




✪✪✪½ /5

Directors: Stephen Daldry, Christian Duurvoort (co-director)
Writers: Andy Mulligan (based on the novel by), Felipe Braga
Stars: Rickson Tevez, Gabriel Weinstein, Martin Sheen

Andy Mulligan's novel paved way to the Brazil's answer for "The Slumdog Millionaire" in 'Trash'.Alike the Dani Boyle's Academy Award winner SDM,Trash too have  a story developed in the slums of Rio.The poverty,corruption and bad cops are a reason for this movie.Or else,how would 3 young dwellers became a point of interest by the influential politicians?

  The kids Raphael,Cardo and Rat were under Police's radar as soon as they had evidences on a corrupt politician who had been contesting for Mayor position.The wallet found by Raphael was enough for the problems to start chasing 'em.Though they were illiterate,poor kids,they had to keep their helplessness aside and run for their lives.At times,they had to be astute in order to uncover the mysteries too.

  The cat and mouse game between the kids and the authorities is the main theme of the film.Except the 2 known names in Rooney Mara and Martin Sheen,lots of unknown actors were part of this Brazilian-British project.There were scenes at times where brutal force had been applied on 'em.But the stubbornness in them was enough to be called them as the so called heroes of the movie.

Last note:Watch this adventure -action movie for energetic perfo from the youngsters who had their heart in the hands to make it a good flick.


Coco (English,2017)


Directors: Lee Unkrich, Adrian Molina (co-director)
Writers: Lee Unkrich (original story by), Jason Katz (original story by) |
Stars: Anthony Gonzalez, Gael García Bernal, Benjamin Bratt

Coco is one of the best movies by Pixar to date.A blend of family,culture and sentiments with an element of fantasy makes it worth to watch for all type of audiences.A little bit of mystery made the whole course of movie into a new experience.

 The story of Coco is about Miguel,a young boy who dreams to be the best musician in Mexico.But due to some pernicious occurences in his family over the past generations,everyone in his family hated music.Miguel seemed to have veneration of Ernesto de La Cruz.'Remember Me',by Ernesto was his favorite song.He acted,sung and played guitar like the great Ernesto.

 Later,on the day of dead,a day which he had to choose his life, Miguel discovered a secret which his family never ever cared for the past generations.Ernesto was his great great great grandfather.On the night of day of dead,some miracles happened and Miguel reached the land of dead,where he met his ancestors and a secret was about to be revealed which changed the whole scenario.

  'Coco' represented the story of a Mexican family over generations,the fun,the sentiments and even the life after death in a simple way without any complex narration.Everyone will love the movie Coco and especially the grandmother "Coco",the music and even the unwonted love of Hector and his wife.

Last Note:Never miss this modern time Pixar animation classic!!Hopes are high for it to be the best animated movie in the 90th Academy Awards.!!

Saturday 6 January 2018


Some Guy Who Kills People(English,2011)



Director: Jack Perez
Writer: Ryan A. Levin (as Ryan Levin)
Stars: Kevin Corrigan, Barry Bostwick, Karen Black

This is all about Ken,a 34 year old guy who had to suffer alot in his life.Bullying by his team mates during his teens and a break-up after a week of dating made him found his home in a mental asylum for a period.He now lives with his mom,works in an ice cream parlour with an exasperating boss and no serious relations except a friend Irv.

  He always had a grudge on the one's who made his life miserable.And things started happening in his small town. The one's responsible for his pathetic life were murdered one by one with a machete,hatchet and a butcher knife.The Sheriff,who dates Ken's mom was in charge of the murder investigation.Meanwhile,to his surprise a girl claimed to be his daughter showed up and also got an unexpected date.

     The disdain faced by a character and his progress to redemption may be a motif in many mawkish flicks.But this one is smeared with blood for the way to attain absolution.

 Final Note:Some guy who kills won't kill you.Go for it!!

Wednesday 3 January 2018





Director: Abhay Chopra
Writers: Abhay Chopra, Shreyas Jain
Stars: Sidharth Malhotra, Sonakshi Sinha, Akshaye Khanna

The 1969, Rajesh Khanna movie directed by Yash Chopra made a re-entry to 2017.The main characters are played by the likes of Sidharth Malhotra,Akshay Khanna and Sonakshi Sinha.The 1969 movie was actually a remake of the English flick 'Signpost to Murder'.

  Ittefaq,which can be categorised as a mystery thriller depicts the story of an English NRI writer Vikram,who is allegedly a suspect with regard to the murder of his wife Katherine,an English lady who was a CEO of the publishing company which published Vikram's latest novel.Vikram called the police when he found his wife dead.But the Mumbai Police right away had him in the list as the primary suspect.

 To save himself,Vikram escaped from police and went to an apartment to save himself.There he saw Maya,an advocate's wife.Later,the police found Maya's husband had his last breath in the same apartment.Vikram became a suspect for 2 murders now.

The plot mainly focuses on whodunnit,whydunnit pattern of a usual investigation thriller.At the same time,the plot becomes more complex due to the vesrions of different suspects (Maya was later added) in the case when they were questioned by Dev Sharma (Akshay Khanna) ,who is in-charge of the case.

  The various primitive measures followed by Mumbai Police was not enough to solve the case at first hand.But a time frame of 3 days made the intelligent-detective 'brain'ed Dev accepted the challenge and got into a conclusion after a bunch of speculations.

To an extend,the movie can be marked as an edge-of-the- seat-thriller.But towards the climax,when the secrets are released as a cliched way,it lacks some thing which raises the eyebrows of viewers.Instead of an expected brainy twist,coincidence;as the title of the movie suggests made an important part.

  Except that part,the movie fared well most of the time.As a first-time watcher of the plot (never watched the older Hindi or English Ver.),I liked the movie.Akshay Khanna continues to be enjoying his new Avatar in cop roles,while Sidharth and Sonakshi also did well

1835. Oddity (English, 2024)